Here are the current ROCCREW board members:

President, Michael Loete

Michael has extensive experience in the healthcare field in building and maintaining provider networks, provider and facility credentialing, provider relations and team building.  He received his Ed.D. in executive leadership from St. John Fisher University.  Mike’s other volunteer work includes serving as treasurer at Person Centered Housing Options and a Master’s level student coach at Roberts Wesleyan.

Treasurer, Catherine Peets

Catherine is a longtime participant in our annual golf outing and fundraiser,  She has extensive experience as a senior financial analyst and accountant with several area businesses.  Cathy received her BS in accounting from the Rochester Institute of Technology. 

Secretary, Umbereen Mustafa

Umbereen is a longtime rower and supporter, who has served on committees and our Board for 14 years.  She is passionate about the sport and its value in the recovery process of cancer survivors. Umbereen is a Wealth Planner at Prentice Wealth Management following an extensive career in marketing and business development.  Umbereen earned her MBA/MIB in marketing from the Katz Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh.

Jeffery Allen, MD

Jeff is both a sweep rower and sculler with the Rochester Boat Club.  He’s a semiretired internist specializing in palliative and hospice care in addition to duties as Chief Medical Officer with Greater Rochester Independent Practice Association.  Jeff received his medical degree from SUNY Upstate Medical University.

Hanzell Carrillo

Hanzell is a practice management coordinator at Barclay Damon LLP and a graduate of Nazareth University in political science.  At Nazareth, Hanz joined the Men’s Rowing Team as a coxswain and competed in several regattas.

Pamela Reynolds

Pamela is an attorney with Littler Mendelson, PC, where she represents and counsels national corporations, small businesses, universities and other clients in labor and employment matters.  She received her JD from the University of Richmond School of Law.  Pam’s been active with the New York and Monroe County Bar Associations, and Volunteer Legal Services Project of Monroe County.

Susan Stoev

Susan is a rower with ROCCREW and a vice president at Ipsos Understanding Unlimited, a multinational market research firm.  Prior to this, she was director of marketing operations and strategic initiatives with Eastman Kodak.  Sue received her MBA in operations management from the Simon School of Business at University of Rochester.

George Weiner

George began sweep rowing in 2010 and started sculling a few years later.  He’s a retired hospital executive with considerable experience in health services and public health research.  Immediately after receiving his PhD in policy analysis from Cornell, he started his career as a university professor where he primarily taught quantitative analysis and statistics.