We value your participation in our annual golf fundraiser. Come play a round, socialize, enjoy nature, drink, eat and enjoy some music for this great non-profit cause. The funds we raise through sponsorships, donations and your participation help finance our financial assistance fund, purchase new equipment, and reduce our rowing fees.
Save the date for our 2024 tournament, Sunday, August 18, 2024, again at the Lima Golf and Country Club.

Click here to sign up for the best golf fundraiser ever
In kind & Hole/Leaderboard Sponsor Donation form
Tournament Details
- Teams of 4 can sign up for 9 OR 18 holes – Mens/Ladies/Mixed teams
- Individual or twosomes players welcome: we will get you on a team.
- Entry fee includes: golf, cart, lunch, dinner & player gift
Payment Options
- PayPal or credit card payments accepted online
- Cash or check accepted on day of tournament
- Registration and payment can also be done by mail. Print this form and submit with your payment to ROCCREW, c/o Naiades Oncology Rowing, PO Box 22661, Rochester, NY 14692.
- Mailed registrations must be postmarked no later than August 9, 2024.
- Online registrations will be closed on Friday August 16th at 12 NOON.
- After that time by email with Desiree Bethmann at desireebethmann@gmail.com by August 16th, 2024
Day of Event
Registration: 10:00 AM in the downstairs banquet room.
Lunch: 11:00 AM –Cash bar available. Lunch will be served upstairs. Please note on registration form how many veggie wraps needed.
Shotgun Start 12:00 Noon: Island Oaks Course
Buffet & Awards 4:00 PM
Appetizers, video about the ROCCREW, Naiades Rowing Over Cancer,
Cash bar 5:30 PM
Dinner Buffet presentation and awards
- Raffle prize sales end at 12 Noon
- 50/50 ticket sales end at 6:00 PM
New this year Best Dressed Team or Comically Dressed Team contest! Voted on by your peers and volunteers! Optional